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September Newsletter   2 ER (Engineer Regiment) Project Sandilands.  This year we were fortunate again to have representatives from 2 ER giving their time to assist us with an ongoing project to increase the appeal of the complex. The work started in tidying the...

A significant day of commemoration for us all is coming around. Battle Of Britain Day commemorated on the 17th September 2023. The service commences at 10:30am. If your out and about or travelling here is a list of other services being conducted throughout the country...

THE SITREPUpdate from the Original RSA. No. 5 Editors CommentThis has been a very interestingperiod in relation to the veterancommunity. A number of realissues have been highlighted:Firstly, we have now received aclear indication for the RNZRSAthat the way ahead is...

Sitrep #3  6th July 2023 Editors CommentFirstly my apologies for the timebetween this and the last Sitrep.That doesn’t mean that nothingis going on, it just means Ihaven’t sat down with mycomputer to write one. TheExecutive has been busypreparing the road for an...

6th March 2023 Sitrep #1 New Policy from VANZVANZ has launched a new policy framework called “TheVeteran, Family and Whanau Mental Health Policy Framework.”What this framework requires the development of a system thatrecognises veterans and their families understands...

6th April 2023   Moving ForwardThe sitting Executive has co-opted two new members to helpget things moving and to establish a new direction. There is arigorous programme that the Executive is working on to getthings back on track. A forensic accountant has been...